How to Choose the Right Golf Cart and Accessories


While most golf carts are electric, most golf cart manufacturers have petrol versions as well. So, even though electric is the most common, it is not the only option. Many golfers have found that petrol golf carts provide them with a series of options that they cannot get from electric versions. There are some fairly stark differences, but after some exploration, you should be able to figure out which type is right for you.

Golfing is one of those things that has transcended rank. Pretty much everyone who golfs regularly enjoys it, regardless of particular skill level. Masters-level golfers may make millions of dollars, but there’s no way to say they enjoy it more than a person who hits her local links once a week or once a month. Golf is fun because it is a competition against others but also, mostly, a competition against yourself. You are trying to keep your strokes as low as possible to lower your handicap and improve your game. If you happen to beat your buddies in the process, that’s great. It’s supposed to be a relaxing way to compete, with long enough interludes to have a great conversation. In the United States and the United Kingdom, golf is the preferred game for politicians, presidents and prime ministers. That’s because it is a welcoming environment to talk to your opponents. However, you need to be moving effectively from hole to hole. You need to keep the game going, and you need to do that as efficiently as possible. That’s why golf carts are so wonderful. They allow you to move from hole to hole effortlessly.

Your first big decision is petrol or electric. Here are some things to consider.

How Long Will You Be Driving?

Depending on how long you’ll be driving, you might be better off with a petrol golf cart. Electric golf carts typically give you about 30 or 40 miles per battery charge, which equates to about two hours pressing the accelerator. That’s probably going to be fine for a round of 18 holes, but if you’re trying to travel around your farm or use it as transportation on your hunting trip, then you probably need to go with petrol; that will give you longer distances between fill-ups.

How Much Power Do You Need?

Petrol golf carts typically deliver more power than electric ones. That’s not a factor if you’re just playing golf and trying to get between holes. However, if you’re looking to get some kind of labour accomplished with your cart, electric might not provide enough power. If you’re trying to tow something or haul something, you should consider petrol. Electric is great for transportation, but it is definitely the less powerful option. If you’re trying to climb a steep incline, a petrol cart might be appropriate.

How Much Do You Want to Spend?

When it comes to running a golf cart, electric is definitely the more cost-effective option. When it’s broken down according to the price of petrol, it costs about fifteen cents per mile to operate a petrol golf cart. By comparison, it costs about three cents per mile to operate an electric cart. Also, many pro shops let you charge your golf cart, so it actually might not cost you anything at all.

Golf Carts and Accessories

What about Emissions?

Electric golf carts do not emit any fumes. If you’re trying to reduce the amount of carbon and pollutants you contribute to the atmosphere, electric is the way to go. It’s also the way to go if you’re thinking about running your golf cart inside a building. Petrol golf carts release carbon monoxide, which is a serious health hazard indoors.

What about Accessories?

Golf cart accessories can greatly enhance your golfing experience. One of the most significant and basic accessories is a set of new tyres. With the exception of some links courses, golf courses tend to have pretty well-manicured and well-maintained driving surfaces. However, if it’s raining or sandy, or if you’re trying to drive your cart somewhere other than a golf course, it can be incredibly difficult without the right kind of tyres.

All-terrain tyres feature knobby tread that helps your cart grip achieve traction to move you forward. If you’re taking your cart out on a farm or a hunting trip, all-terrain tyres are the perfect solution.

A ball and club washer is another great accessory for a golf cart. These are simple devices that allow you to wash mud and sand off your clubs or golf balls so that you can get the best level of play. They can either be built into a golf cart or added on.

Many people like to upgrade the seats in their carts. It’s a cruel fact that many golf cart seats are incredibly uncomfortable. That could be because manufacturers are trying to save money, or because they assume you won’t be spending much time actually sitting in the seat. Whatever the case, adding a new seat with high-density foam is a great way to make it more comfortable. Additionally, many people choose to incorporate an ergonomic seat when they’re replacing the factory seats. Ergonomic seats are designed to mimic the natural posture of your back, so they’re great for people who have back trouble.

A windscreen is another addition that many golfers have said they liked. Whether you’re trying to get back to the pro shop on a rainy day or you’re taking your golf cart out on a hunting expedition, a windscreen can keep the elements—and tree branches—from hitting you.

Buying a golf cart and outfitting it with accessories seems simple enough, but there’s actually more to it. The first choice you have to make is between petrol or electric. Petrol provides more power, but electric is less expensive. Also, electric carts are safe to drive indoors, while petrol ones are not. When it comes to accessories, there are dozens of different things you can choose to add to your cart. With a few select choices, you can have a golf cart that suits your exact needs.

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