LocoNav’s Fleet Management Is Crucial To Your Business. Learn Why!


The expansion of the internet has resulted in the emergence of many new industries and businesses in India. The rising economy is supporting the growth of many more. More and more businesses are digitizing their operation by using internet based applications. Businesses that depend on vehicle fleets especially are choosing to use Telematics Technology like Fleet Management System to manage their businesses more efficiently. Fleet Management Software provides very smart solutions to the challenges that fleet businesses face. There is a growing demand for Fleet Management System in India. If you own a fleet business and are not thinking of using a Fleet Management System, you might want to reconsider.

The world is moving towards a connected future. A future where businesses operations are based on accurate data. This is already becoming a reality very quickly and holding back on the upgrade can hinder your business growth almost completely. The competition between fleet businesses is very tight in India and with the growing economy, it will get much tighter. The manual management of a fleet business can turn into a nightmare and the fact is that it often does. The investment required for manual Fleet Management in India is enormous and it is so because of the human errors that take place on a regular basis. The only way to minimize these errors is by using a Fleet Management System.

Equipping your fleet business with a Fleet Management System can help you to revolutionize your business and take it up a notch. A Telematics Fleet Management System uses multiple electronic devices such as GPS, MEMS and different sensors to collect data regarding the operations of your fleet business. The systems come with a Fleet Management Software that displays this data in the form of statistical information that can help you to optimize the way your business functions.

Fleet Management in India is a challenging task. The country is developing rapidly and the vehicles on the roads today far surpass its capacity; this results in the condition of the roads to degrade very quickly. Thus causing your employees to spend hours of their work times in long traffic jams. The quick solution to this is using a Fleet Management System. A Fleet Management System will help you to check for traffic congestions prior to the deployment of your vehicles. You can see this with the Fleet Management Software that is provided with the system. So, before you deploy your vehicles out for service, you can check if the routes are congested. If so, you can use the system to choose the routes that are less congested. The Fleet Management Software uses pathfinding algorithms to calculate and provide the path with the shortest distance to your destination. With the help of this information, your vehicles can reach their destination much faster than they would otherwise. This means more tasks can be assigned to your vehicles resulting in high business productivity. This also helps you to save a lot of valuable money that is spent on fuel. A lot of fuel is wasted as your vehicles are idling in traffic jams. The optimization of routes can also save your vehicles from wearing out faster. The live tracking feature also helps you to track the whereabouts of your vehicles. So now if an employee is making personal use of your vehicle, you know it.

A reason why Fleet Management in India is difficult is that there is a lack of good communication between you and your employees. Navigation in India is not a piece of cake. Especially in older cities like Varanasi where the roads are narrow and confusing. You might have come across situations where your employees cannot locate a destination or you want to reroute them to another destination but they don’t understand your directions. Fret not, a Fleet Management System brings various solutions to overcome these obstacles. With the help of the Fleet Management Software, you can share the location of the destination with your employees. The onboard display helps your employees to navigate to the destination without any confusion. You can even use the software to send messages in case you need to. This means that you save up on the money that is unnecessarily spent on telephone bills.

With the help of a Telematics Fleet Management in India, you can save your vehicles from being stolen. The Geo-Fencing feature in a Fleet Management Software enables you to create a perimeter within which you want a vehicle to operate. The system sends you an alert whenever an asset has escaped from the geo-fenced zone. The GPS live tracking feature can help you to track the whereabouts of your vehicles and enables you to share the location of your vehicle with the security services.

Another great advantage of having your fleet equipped with a Fleet Management System is that you can track the condition of your assets. The Fleet Management System collects data on how a vehicle has operated and the condition of its various parts. This data is then analyzed to provide you with notifications on when a vehicle must be scheduled for maintenance. It also provides an estimate of how much the maintenance cost must be. This can help you protect your business from maintenance frauds.

A Fleet Management System can also help your business gain a great advantage over your competitors in business. The Fleet Management System collects data on the daily operations of your fleet. This data is analyzed and run through machine learning algorithms to provide various statistical information. There is a range of information that is provided by a Fleet Management Software. They can predict areas where business can thrive and the areas that your vehicles must avoid. With the help of pattern recognition programs, the software feeds you information related to the seasonal changes in demand.

These are just some of the many advantages that can help your business to thrive in this age of advancing technology. You can profit from these benefits when you have LocoNav’s services integrated into your business operations. Along with the previously mentioned benefits, LocoNav offers additional facilities such as safety for your employees. Their fleet management system comes with safety features like panic buttons and MEMS that send alerts to emergency services and to you in case an accident has occurred. Employees are what makes a business operate. Providing adequate safety to them is the most crucial reason for choosing LocoNav’s Telematics Fleet Management over manual Fleet Management in India.

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